AQUACELL INSECT GUN offers a unique toxin-free pest control solution and employs a purely physical mode of action to encase and quickly immobilise a wide range of insects and arachnids (spiders and scorpions) from cockroaches to bed bugs and house flies to mosquitoes.
It's a NATURALLY DERIVED product with a PLANT BASED ACTIVE INGREDIENT in a water-based spray that acts like a spider web to encase and immobilise insects, killing them dead in their tracks.

USES SAME FOOD GRADE POLYMER FOUND IN CAPSULE COATINGS. AQUACELL employs a novel cellulose polymer extracted from pine trees grown in sustainable plantations. This food-grade polymer is widely used in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries as a capsule coating for medications; and in the food industry as a filler in processed foods. In fact, every component used in the formulation of AQUACELL is food-grade and approved for use in foods for human consumption.

“I couldn’t believe how well this product works! I always try to find products for my home that are not only good for the environment, but also good for my family’s health, including our pets. When I came across AQUACELL I had to try it out. I was amazed that a product could kill all types of insects and spiders and still be all natural. I won’t be buying other types of insect spray with chemicals and toxins ever again!”
Elaine Lee - Business owner, Wife & Mother
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500 ml Label
ACO Certification